Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Top 25 Rajnikanth Joke'S One Liners

Rajnikanth Doesn't need any introduction. He is a Superstar in Indian Film Industry. There are many jokes on him. Here is the list of top 25 one-liners.

1. Rajnikant runs until the treadmill gets tired
2. Some magicans can walk on water, Rajnikant can swim through land
3. In Rajnikanth's wedding, the fire took the saath phere of Rajnikanth and his wife
4. Rajinikanth has a statue of Madame Tussaud in his house!
5. Rajnikant is lovin' it! ' Macdonald's new tagline
6. Rajanikanth makes onions cry.
7. The new symbol for the Rupee is actually Rajnikanth's Signature.
8. Rajnikanth can produce fire by rubbing 2 ice cubes
9. Rajnikanth doesn't answer nature's call nature answers Rajnikanth's call!
10. Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every dead man, there is Rajnikanth.
11. Whenever Rajnikanth makes an error, it's an invention.
12. When Rajnikant switches on his AC without closing the door, winter starts in India.
13. Why did Superman and Batman visit Rajnikant? Because it was Teachers Day!
14. Rajnikanth can play the violin with a piano
15. Rajnikanth once wrote a cheque, the bank bounced!
16. Rajnikanth can answer a missed call.
17. If Rajinikanth's PC hangs.. it's time for next Windows release.
18. People update status via BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad, etc. Rajinikanth updates status via Calculator
19. When Rajinikant croses the Road, the cars have to look left and right before moving.
20. When God watched Robot, he said, 'Oh my Rajinikanth!
21. Rajinikanth doesn't wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
22. Once Rajnikanth forgot his toys near Mumbai, that place is now known as Essel World.
23. Rajnikanth never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself in fear.
24. Rajinikanth killed the Dead Sea.
25. When Rajnikanth logs on to facebook, facebook updates its status message!

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